Why is Oman the Safest Country for Expats
Oman is the oldest independent state in the Arab world and it’s regarded as one of the more traditional countries in the Gulf region. The country is home to a range of marvelous natural wonders and architectural beauty.
This country covered with stunning Mosques and museums but it also boasts incredible beaches and desert regions with plentiful wildlife and dunes.
This isn’t all this country is known for, last year Oman was ranked as the world’s safest country for expats to live and work. But what makes Oman so much safer for expats than other countries?
If you’re considering moving to Oman, here is exactly why it’s the safest country for expats:
Friendly people
Omanis are warm and friendly people and are often referred to as the friendliest people in the world. They are always happy to welcome tourists and expats to the country and this makes the environment welcoming and safe for both its locals and visitors.
Low crime rate
What got Oman to the top spot is its very low crime rate. It has one of the lowest crime indexes in the world standing at 20.62 as of mid-2020 compared to the UK at 44.54 and the US at 47.70.
Since this is a religious and traditional state, a crime of any kind is strictly punishable and the Royal Oman Police are known to be highly efficient and not prone to bribery making the country a super safe place.
It’s particularly good for raising young children and for any solo female travellers or single female expats. You do not need to be overly concerned about personal safety when in Oman. Even pickpockets are low in the Sultanate and across other Middle Eastern countries as it’s not within their culture to take from others. However, it does still happen, so it always pays to be vigilant.
Muggings and similar crimes are also extremely low and cases such as these are rarely, if ever reported.
Safe for women travellers
Traveling as a woman in Oman is easy and safe just as long as you respect the culture by dressing appropriately and always being friendly towards others.
Just keep your wits about you and don’t walk alone after dark or take taxis in isolated areas at night and you’ll be fine.
Low risk of scams
Equally, scams aren’t something that you need to be worried about either. Sometimes expiration dates on food and drinks in supermarkets get “prolonged” by the shopkeepers but if you have a keen eye and are aware you can avoid these scenarios.
Vendors may either try and charge more or give the wrong change, and taxi drivers might try to rip you off. However, these scams are not that common and should be easy to detect.
What should I be worried about in Oman?
Driving in this country is probably the biggest issue you will face. Driving requires a very high level of attention and you should be on constant alert. Expect the unexpected is probably the best way to describe driving in Oman.
It sadly has the second-highest death rate from traffic accidents in the world, which is due to the Omani’s notorious fast driving.
Driving at night is especially dangerous as many drivers don’t even turn their headlights on and with camels prone to walking straight out into the road this can cause an extreme amount of accidents and fatalities.
Overall, Oman is a country known for its friendly, kind people and strict laws. Occurrences of a serious crime is rare making this the safest place for expats.