The Best Countries to Live for Freelancers

Freelancing offers the freedom to work from virtually anywhere, but choosing the right country can make a big difference in both your personal and professional life. The best countries for freelancers combine affordable living costs, a thriving freelance community, strong infrastructure, and a welcoming culture. Fortunately, there are numerous destinations around the world that cater […]

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Which Medications Are You Allowed to Take into Dubai? 

The UAE has a strict no-tolerance policy around recreational drugs. There are some medicines that can be bought over the counter in one country but will be controlled substances in Dubai and the rest of the UAE. People who are found to be in possession of even a small amount of illegal drugs could face […]

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5 Ways to Enjoy a Unique Dubai Experience

What was once a small fishing village is now a favoured destination for tourists, expats and businesses. Dubai has, in the 21st century, expanded at a phenomenal rate, with the number of British people now living there at 240,000. That alone is just under 10% of the Dubai population! Add in other nations enjoying the […]

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The Best Jobs in the Middle East for Expats

The Middle East has always been championed as a paradise for those who want to work hard and live a luxurious lifestyle. The number of expats in the UAE is high, with 88.5% of the population hailing from overseas. The Middle East as a whole has always been a first-choice location for many people wanting […]

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58% of expats in the UAE feel unintegrated with Emiratis

According to a Survey conducted in 2015 by networking organisation InternNations, only 42% of expats polled in the UAE feel integrated with local people, compared to the global average of 61%. From a British standpoint, sadly the stereotype of stiff upper lips and unapproachable frowns has yet to be changed but does the blame lie […]

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13 Websites That Make Moving to Dubai a Breeze

moving to Dubai

Moving abroad as an expat is one of the most exciting – yet nerve-racking – things that any of us do. According to statistics just moving house within your home country is rated as more stressful than getting divorced or being made redundant. Just imagine how that stress can multiply when moving half way round […]

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Which Country Is Best For Expats? – Infographic

The best country for expats

It’s not until you’re thinking about moving abroad that you suddenly realise just how many options there are. From The United Arab Emirates to the United States of America, from Ireland to Iceland, how do you know which expat destinations are best? Arguably one of the most useful strategies is to consider the factors that […]

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Sudanese Expats in UAE Struggle with New Passports

Like many developing nations, Sudan relies heavily on expat remittances to help Sudanese families make ends meet. In the United Arab Emirates alone there are estimated to be over 300,000 Sudanese expats, mostly working in the burgeoning construction industry. Each year these expats send millions of dollars back to relatives in the Sudan. Unfortunately however, […]

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Half of Expats in UAE Consider Leaving

” The United Arab Emirates have long been one of the top expat destinations in the world, drawing in highly qualified workers from around the world with the promise of a tax-free salary. Under such circumstances, the already reasonable wages on offer to qualified expats can look positively generous, and enable many workers in the […]

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Better housing benefits for expats moving to the UAE

The United Arab Emirates is an exciting place to move to. It offers people a high quality of life and is always booming. Although the laws and customs are rather strict and can take some time getting used to, it is a nation that is widely made up by expatriates. English is commonly spoken and […]

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