Can a Foreigner Get a Mortgage in Thailand?

Securing a mortgage as a foreigner in Thailand can seem like a complex process, but it’s entirely possible with the right preparation and understanding of the local regulations. In this guide, we’ll explore what’s involved in applying for a mortgage as an expat, from eligibility criteria to the application process, and help you take the […]

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The Best Countries to Live for Freelancers

Freelancing offers the freedom to work from virtually anywhere, but choosing the right country can make a big difference in both your personal and professional life. The best countries for freelancers combine affordable living costs, a thriving freelance community, strong infrastructure, and a welcoming culture. Fortunately, there are numerous destinations around the world that cater […]

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10 of the Strangest Traditions from Around the World 2024


From scrambled egg festivals to monkey buffets, it’s safe to say that there are some rather weird and wonderful traditions that take place around the world. Here’s a list of just 10 of the most bizarre cultural practices from around the globe that are still carried out today. Don’t forget to invest in international health insurance for […]

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The Cities with the Most Vegan-Friendly Restaurants

Veganism and plant-based lifestyles are more popular than ever. It’s estimated that between 1% and 3% of the world’s population are vegan, amounting to between 79 million and 230 million people. There has also been a rise in “flexitarian” diets, where people may eat animal-derived products sometimes, but will also include plant-based dishes in their […]

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How Much Does It Cost to Live in Thailand? [Updated 2023]

Thailand is often referred to as being cheap for expats. Generally, the cost of living in Thailand is cheaper than in the UK – according to Numbeo, the cost of living is nearly 40% lower in Thailand than in the UK. On average, a family of four will require around £1,600 to spend on monthly […]

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The Pros and Cons of Expat Life in Thailand

Thailand is one of the most popular tourist destinations on the planet, thanks to its natural beauty and amazing food. More people are now also choosing to move to Thailand, to live permanently and enjoy all its benefits all year round. However, like any destination, Thailand has both benefits and drawbacks, and it’s important for […]

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The 8 Best Train Journey’s in the World

Many associate train travel with discomfort, heat and the weekly commute. However, when it comes to seeing the world by train, there is an old-fashioned appeal that cannot be matched by flying or driving. More often than not, you get to clap your eyes on some of the most hidden locations in the world from […]

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What Do Different Colours Mean in Different Countries?

It is no secret that colours are emotive. They can affect the way we feel, they can heal, and they can bring joy. They can remind us of a time of year, a certain place or a distant memory. Around the world different countries, cultures and groups of people associate colours differently. What could be […]

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Expat Safety Tips: What to Do During a Tsunami

Before the Boxing Day tsunami of 2004, many were not aware that gigantic tidal waves were a natural phenomenon, let alone a force of nature that could kill. On the 26th December, a tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean. It was the result of a magnitude nine earthquake by two plates on the seafloor, displacing […]

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The Best Countries in the World for Freelancers

Many moons ago we reported on the best countries in Europe to be self-employed. Whilst this still stands, we wanted to open the door to the rest of the world and see what other global destinations have to offer freelancers with the urge to head abroad. In the past few years, there has been an […]

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The 7 Best Cities Around the World for Freelancers

Having the freedom to be your own boss and work on a variety of different projects is extremely attractive to some. Furthermore, the ability to access everything digitally and work remotely means you do not need to be stuck in your home office, let alone your country of birth, if you choose otherwise. Being self-employed […]

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Where is the Happiest Place in the World for Expats?

Some of us find happiness in the simplest things. The smell of freshly cut grass. Indulging in your favourite meal. For others, it is our family, or money, that brings us glee. Living a happy life is different for everybody, but are there some countries where are you most likely to experience it? InterNation’s Expat […]

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7 Surprising Food Etiquette Rules from Around the World

You have nailed the basics of elbows off the table, don’t slurp your soup, and don’t talk with your mouth full. You are safe in the knowledge that you can attend a dinner party without committing too many faux pas. However, heading abroad can open up a whole new can of worms. While we appreciate […]

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Which Country Is Best For Expats? – Infographic

The best country for expats

It’s not until you’re thinking about moving abroad that you suddenly realise just how many options there are. From The United Arab Emirates to the United States of America, from Ireland to Iceland, how do you know which expat destinations are best? Arguably one of the most useful strategies is to consider the factors that […]

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