Expatriate Group Underwriters
Expatriate Group work with a number of international capacity providers, to ensure that relevant knowledge, experience and licensing is utilised for all the risks underwritten as part of the Expatriate Group brand.
Our capacity partners include:
HDI Global Specialty
HDI Global Specialty SE is a specialty lines insurer. It is owned by HDI Global SE, part of the Talanx Group. HDI Global Specialty’s focus is on writing agency and specialty insurance business with operations in 9 locations and access to a global network of more than 175 countries through the HDI Global SE network. HDI Global Specialty also enjoys the same financial strength as HDI Global SE.
S&P: A+ (Outlook Stable)
A.M. Best: A+ (Outlook Stable)
HDI Global Specialty

Guardrisk Insurance company Mauritius Ltd PCC
Guardrisk Insurance Company Mauritius Ltd PCC is ultimately wholly owned by Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Limited (“MMH”), a South African financial services group listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. MMH employs over 16 000, people with operations in Africa, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Asia.
Key statistics relating to the Guardrisk group of companies (as at June 2022):
Annual premium income of US$1.9 billion
Assets of US$3.2 billion
Wholly owned by MMH
Moody’s credit Ratings:
Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited – Aaa.za (National Scale)
Guardrisk Life Limited – Aaa.za (National Scale)
Guardrisk International Limited PCC – Ba2 (Global Scale)
Guardrisk Insurance company Mauritius Ltd PCC

World’s 4th largest reinsurance company
Scor are the largest life reinsurers in the United States
Listed on the French Stock Exchange
Ratings: A.M. Best rating: A+ stable outlook.

General Re, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., is a holding company for global reinsurance and related operations. It owns General Reinsurance and General Reinsurance AG, which conduct business as Gen Re.
Ratings: A.M. Best Rating: A.M. Best: A++ (Superior)