Gamers Assemble! Where in The World Do People Game The Most?
Whether on your PlayStation or phone, Xbox or PC, Switch or laptop, gaming is a big business. By the end of 2021, the global video game market reached a value of $162 billion in revenue. With close to 3 billion people playing, it is a hobby enjoyed by vast numbers across the world spending vast sums of money. How and where do they play, though?
We’ve taken a look at the nations where gaming takes up perhaps more time than anything else for adults in particular. Read on to find out more.
Where is the most popular nation in the world for adults to play video games?
This may come as a surprise, but the United Arab Emirates claims the highest number of adult gamers in the world at present, with a staggering 91% saying they would at least enjoy a gaming session occasionally. 73% of the population enjoy the games available to them on their smartphones, a market that has seen significant growth over the past few years.
In fact, recent insights show that mobile gaming contributed towards 50% of the total worldwide video game revenue. By 2023, it is expected to hit $100 billion.
It is thought that easy access to the large number of free titles is why so many now play mobile games. This could also be the reason why more developing nations appear on our list. With 83.72% of the global population having use of a smartphone, the reach of these free games is much wider than those appearing on the more expensive consoles and computers.
So, where else are adults enjoying the immersive worlds of gaming?
Alluding to the points made previously, Nigeria takes second spot in the list, but does exhibit the lowest number of frequent gamers, with around 15% settling down for constant gaming sessions. 80% of the population grasps the gaming world via mobile phones. This could gradually change, though, as access to consoles and PCs is increasing. Where most people could not afford the means to play regularly in the past (instead enjoying games in barbershops and venues hosting football matches), this is changing, with the market expected to triple by the end of 2023.
Indonesian video game players are among the most passionate mobile phone gamers, with 82% of adults choosing a smartphone for their video game entertainment. Around 85% occasionally play video games across the other platforms available to them. When they do play, Indonesian gaming fans tend to love getting involved in Battle Royale style games. This market is continually developing, and is currently the 16th largest in the world.
In China, we see a higher level of more committed gaming. Close to 30% enjoy frequent sessions, whilst 73% are getting involved via their mobile phones. Sharing a similar level of occasional gamers as Indonesia, Chinese players have been enjoying the Nintendo Switch, which accounts for 41% of console sales in the country.
India is an emerging nation in the world of video games, and the level of mobile gaming is booming. During the Covid pandemic, Google Play saw a 51% increase in mobile game downloads in the country. Currently, 75% of adults indulge in mobile games, with just under 20% playing any type of game frequently.
Spain the first country to indicate that just under 80% of adults only game occasionally. It also represents one of the lower amounts of mobile video game players at just 50%. Only two other countries appear lower on this metric. A survey carried out in 2020 found that GTA V, Among Us and League of Legends were the most enjoyed games by Spanish players.
America has long been a hive of gaming activity and, along with Japan and South Korea, was one of the hubs for the boom in eSports. The United States currently has one of the lower totals for people playing video games occasionally in the adult demographic, but it does contribute the second highest level of committed gamers, with close to 25% playing frequently. The mobile gaming bug hasn’t caught on in North America the same way it has elsewhere, with just 54% using their smartphone to game. In addition, the console outweighs both the PC and phone for platform of choice.
Great Britain
Whilst the number of heads tilted down at screens may indicate that everyone is wrapped up in a gaming world on their smartphones, stats for Great Britain indicate that only 43% of adults play games on their phone. 20% of adults enjoy frequently losing themselves in a gaming session, yet around 75% would game occasionally. Call of Duty and FIFA titles contribute heavily to these figures.
In Finland, adults tend to use their smartphone more for its purpose than for entertainment, with just 32% of adults gaming on their phones. This country is also home to one of the lower levels of regular adult gamers. Occasional gaming is also fairly low, with just over 60% of the adult population setting foot on the battlefield, the football pitch or in a fantasy world.
Often seen as the gaming haven of the world, Japan has one of the lowest engagement rates for gaming among adults. A little over 60% enjoy an occasional gaming, and close to 15% decide to play more often. The home of many a tech revolution does pick up with its contribution to mobile gaming, with 52% of adults playing games on their smartphones.
If you are planning to visit any of these countries, maybe head along to an eSports show or take your handheld device with you. An eSports tournament provides a great atmosphere and shows you a side to a culture you may not have fully experienced yet. With your handheld, be it a smartphone or a console, you can while away the hours on the plane, in the airport or in the hotel with a host of free and paid for games. Just don’t forget your international travel insurance – that way, you can game stress-free should there be any delays or cancellations. Get a free quote today.