Everything You Should Know About Expats Maternity Leave in Dubai
Whether you’re expecting your first child or growing your family, having a baby in Dubai will be a hugely exciting time. But navigating maternity leave when you’re living abroad can be a complex process. Understanding your rights is essential to allow you to plan properly and also for your peace of mind.
As well as having the right international maternity insurance to cover your medical needs, you’ll also need to consider how long you’ll be entitled to and how much you’ll get paid. In this guide, we explore maternity leave in Dubai, to ensure you’re properly prepared for this important phase of your life.
Are expats eligible for maternity leave in Dubai?
Expats will be eligible for maternity leave in Dubai if they are employed in a permanent position with a company in Dubai. The employee will also need to provide a medical certificate from a recognized medical authority confirming that they are pregnant. How much you get paid during your maternity leave will vary depending on your length of service, but you will be entitled to some level of pay no matter how long you’ve held the role.
How long is maternity leave in Dubai?
How long maternity leave you are entitled to depends on which sector you work in and how long you have been working there for.
Length of maternity leave for public sector workers in Dubai
Those who work in the Dubai Government are granted 90 days of maternity leave starting from the delivery date. You will be able to apply for maternity leave up to 30 days before the expected day, if required.
You will also have the option to add any untaken annual leave and unpaid leave days to your maternity leave, which can increase the total time to 120 days.
Length of maternity leave for private sector workers in Dubai
For those that work in the private sector in Dubai, you will be entitled to 60 days of maternity leave. You will also be able to apply to take your maternity leave up to 30 days before the expected delivery date if preferred.
This leave counts as calendar days, not working days, so will include weekends.
What do you get paid during maternity leave in Dubai?
How much you get paid during maternity leave will vary depending on your length of service and the sector you work in.
Maternity leave pay for public sector workers in Dubai
If you work for the Dubai Government, you will be entitled to full pay for three months from the delivery date. This typically requires you to have held the position for at least one year.
Maternity leave pay for private sector workers in Dubai
For private sector workers in Dubai who have held the position for at least a year, you will be entitled to 45 days at full pay and 15 days at half pay. If you have been in the role for less than a year, you will be granted 45 days at half pay.
Is there any additional leave granted for maternity reasons?
If you face any medical complications during pregnancy or childbirth, you will be entitled to an additional 45 days of leave, as long as you can provide a valid medical certificate.
If you work in the private sector and your child is born with an illness or disability, you will be entitled to take another 30 days’ leave at full pay, plus an additional 30 days unpaid, when you provide a medical certificate to support this. If you work in the public sector and your child is born ill or disabled, you will be granted childcare leave from the date your maternity leave expires to your child’s first birthday.
A new amendment to the Labour Law now also allows mothers to take an additional 5 days of paid leave within the first six months of your baby’s birth. These can be taken together or spread out.
For those in the private sector, you will be entitled to one or two additional breaks per day to nurse your child. These breaks should not collectively exceed one hour per day and will be fully paid for. You will be able to take these breaks for 6 months following the delivery date.
If you work in the public sector, you will also be entitled to take nursing breaks. These should be taken at the beginning or the end of the day and you can take up to two hours fully paid. There will be no nursing breaks permitted during Ramadan.
Is there paternity leave in Dubai?
Men who work in the public sector are entitled to three days of fully paid paternity leave. These days will need to be taken in the first month following your child’s birth.
A new law now allows private sector employees to take five days of paternity leave at full pay. This needs to be taken in the first six months following the baby’s birth. It’s not yet clear whether the public sector paternity leave will be raised to meet the public sector.
Will my role be guaranteed when I return to work after maternity leave?
Your employer doesn’t have to keep the exact same role open for you to return to after maternity leave. They will be able to change the scope of the role, however, they are not allowed to adjust your salary in any way.
They are also not allowed to terminate your contract whilst you’re on maternity leave. If your employer does so, you will be able to sue them for compensation.
Moving to Dubai?
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