4 Landmarks You Can Virtually Visit While Self Isolating
The recent Covid-19 outbreak has resulted in many people having to abandon their dream travel plans due to FCO restrictions, flight cancellations and cruise line suspensions and with the government advice to stay inside and self-isolate boredom is intensifying.
But, it’s not all doom and gloom. Thanks to the digital world we now live in a number of iconic landmarks around the world are now available to tour virtually so you can check out some of these amazing historical sights without even having to leave the house.
So, to help suppress the cabin fever why not head to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower or maybe even The Great Wall of China?
Taj Mahal, India
How about starting with one of the New Seven Wonders of the World? This UNESCO World Heritage Site is one of the most recognisable landmarks in the world and welcomes millions of visitors every year due to its ivory-white marble architecture and astounding artefacts.
There are two ways you can explore this famous monument online. Head to AirPano where you can tour the mausoleum as if from a helicopter with some epic aerial shots. Alternatively, you can visit the site through Google Maps Street View listing.
The Great Wall of China
Next, you can hike The Great Wall of China without even having to put on your walking boots.
This UNESCO site is one of the most appealing attractions in the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance but you don’t need to hop on a flight to see the wall in all its glory, get a fantastic birds-eye view of the fortification systems on AirPano or head to The China Guide for an impressive virtual tour.
The Eiffel Tower, France
Now we swoop on over to Paris to marvel at the 324 m tall wrought-iron lattice tower that is the Eiffel Tower.
Millions swarm to the country’s most famous landmark every year to take in the breathtaking views of the city. If you’ve not had the chance to see this imposing landmark for real, here you can enjoy a virtual tour of the tower, taking you up the tower itself and also with panoramic views from the top deck.
The Sydney Opera House, Australia
The Sydney Opera House is one of the 20th century’s most famous and distinctive buildings. This multi-venue performing arts centre has over 40 shows a week with something for everyone.
If it’s always been your dream to fly to the other side of the world to visit this creative arts centre but Covid-19 has put your plans on pause, we have some good news, you can explore the Opera House from the comfort of your own sofa with Google’s Arts & Culture 360 view. Take in the view from the outside or take a walk around the inside.
Yes, it might not be quite the same as visiting the real thing but these tours can offer a welcomed break from the bleak pandemic news and will give you a taster of what these spectacular hotspots have to offer so you’ll have plenty of inspiration when it comes to planning your next adventure.